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Writer's pictureChrissie Keillor


I am not perfect. I don't want to be. I don't even believe in perfect and never wanted to reach it.

I believe perfect and all things perfection aren't real. If they truly were real, there would be this race of people that all looked the same and they'd all have the same voice, hair, skin tone, style, etc. We wouldn't have any unique qualities because they would be the best qualities anyone one person could have. No working out would be necessary, no arguments would happen, no inquires and curiosity would be evident because everyone would know everything already. There wouldn't be a reason to study or go to school since everyone would be getting 100% on every assessment and there wouldn't even be any real freedom to be different since everyone will be hyper-fixed on perfection.

Those that are not perfect would be a sub-class, always trying their hardest but never coming close to perfect. Working harder than the perfect people and thinking life would be so much better if they were different and perfect but since they aren't, this is the hand they were dealt. The perfect people look down on the normal not so perfect people even though, there really isn't anything wrong with them. Sounds like high school hallways as I am writing this.

There is no perfect yoga pose - the yoga is in the journey of getting there. Moving and breathing through the motions to reach where your body can go. Not forcefully bending and breaking, cranking and forcing faces to look like what you think is yoga. If this is you in class, you're missing the point. In yoga, it's the process. In life, it's the same.

Think about that for a while.

My heart hugs your hearts, namaste <3


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